Joins us for a family centered workshop for all ages!
Alexandra Jean-Joseph is an educator, dancer and choreographer. As the Artistic Director of drum and dance ensemble Imamou Lele, she currently produces cultural material and folkloric works of Haiti through traditional dance. As a manbo of Haitian Vodou, she strives to preserve the connection between Haitian Folkloric Dance and Vodou rites and to promote dance as an experience where spirit and art meet. She currently practices with her spiritual family at Le Temple D’Olohoum in Queens, New York. Le Temple D’Olohoumis dedicated to the observance of Vodou in its most religious aspect. It focuses on creating a physical, mental, moral, and spiritual environment for the practice of Vodou.
Sky Menesky is an educator, percussionist, and cultural activist. He currently works as a middle school teacher in Brooklyn, New York while hosting “The Sky Menesky Podcast”. The podcast is a sans-frontiere radio program committed to promoting, defending, and educating Haitians and non-Haitians on the importance of Haiti, and advocating for cultural, economic, and political change in our community here within the diaspora.As the Music Director of drum and dance ensemble Imamou Lele, Sky aims to protect and promote Haiti’s folkloric traditions and continue to preserve Haiti’s cultural heritage through traditional songs and drum rhythms.